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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Trip to Oz, Part Two

Day 2

While I slept in, Jane explored the fitness center at the hotel. Luckily, she brought back some espresso and fresh baked muffins for me to enjoy in bed! What a fabulous way to start the day. . .

After cleaning up a bit, we strolled down to Blvd, the restaurant on the main floor of the hotel, for breakfast. At my house, this meal usually consists of coffee, cereal and half a banana. Here, it was an event to be savored and enjoyed. Hollywood powerbrokers in suits had meetings at surrounding tables, while tourists looked up eagerly every time a new party was seated, hoping it would be a celebrity. We sipped our cappuccinos, and lingered over eggs benedict with lobster, an omelet with wild mushrooms and truffles, and toast with fig jam. Then off to the spa. . .

After slipping into yet another robe, Jane and I sipped fresh mango juice and headed for the steam room in preparation for our massages. Twinkling lights on the ceiling cut through hot fog as I felt my whole body warm up and truly relax. Down a hallway dotted with candles and flowers in mini vases at our feet, we reclined in the “Tranquility Room” as we waited for our masseuses. An hour later, Jane and I met up again for our manicures. It was more pampering than I had ever experienced in one day! Feeling terrific, complete with gorgeous nails, we decided to spend the afternoon at the pool, before meeting Jennifer for dinner.

Everyone in California talked about “June gloom” – a term we had never heard before. Basically it meant that the mornings were cloudy, and around noon the sky turned completely blue and clear, and the day heated up to the upper 70s. We were having so much fun, we couldn’t imagine complaining about the weather – especially when the afternoons were so sunny and warm!

At the pool we reclined on our chaises, soaking up the sun’s rays, in between dips in the pool and the hot tub. We ordered rum drinks and some elegant hors d’oeuvres, then donned our sunglasses and enjoyed the view!

Unfortunately, while Jane’s skin turned a pleasant bronze, mine turned bright red. (We have long winters in Wisconsin. My complexion usually matches the snow.) Getting ready for our dinner date at Asia de Cuba, I tried to pick out an outfit that would hide my sunburn. After modeling my ensemble, Jane looked at me and shook her head. “It’s fine. But you don’t look fabulous. You need to look FABULOUS tonight!” She immediately took out every piece of clothing she’d packed and started putting together outfits for me to try. “This top with this skirt. Okay no, try this other top. Okay, what about a little sweater over that? Maybe a dress?” This went on for awhile.

Finally I was outfitted in a slinky, long sleeved black top, a knee-length print skirt, black sandals and vintage jewelry, all courtesy of Jane. I put on my sunglasses (Prada knock-offs I had purchased in Italy years ago) and felt like a movie star. I tucked a couple of Jennifer’s books in my purse so I could get her autograph, and we were ready to go!

A little nervous, we gawked at the huge, Spanish style mansions as our driver wound around the streets of Beverly Hills, taking us to the Mondrian Hotel. As we entered the lobby, it was hard not to stare at all the “beautiful people.” I had the distinct impression we had walked into the middle of a Dolce and Gabbana photoshoot. But once we gave our names to the maitre’d, I was immediately put at ease – there waiting for us was Jennifer Weiner, looking just like her picture on the back of my books, casual and relaxed, checking her iphone for messages. Her face lit up when she saw us, and she gave us each a hug, congratulating us and welcoming us to LA.

The whole evening was wonderful – and went by so quickly! Since it was still early, Jennifer ushered us up to the hotel’s Sky Bar for incredible mojitos. Sitting in the open air lounge, looking down on the pool and a panoramic view of the city of Los Angeles, we sipped our drinks and giggled – yes, giggled – as we described our stay at the Beverly Wilshire thus far.

Then I concentrated mightily on keeping my borrowed black sandals on my feet (they were one size too big) as we walked back to the restaurant, Asia de Cuba. An intimate dining room done all in white, we were seated at a premiere table directly in front of a large window that afforded us another incredible view of the city. Our waiter came over to explain the culinary concept – Asian/Latin food served family style with dishes arriving as soon as they were ready. Studying the menu, Jane and I were relieved when Jennifer offered to order her favorites – which all turned out to be insanely delicious.

Over our fried calamari salad, scallops on a bed of corn and plantain puree, and hoisin glazed spare ribs, all three of us talked about writing, about our kids, and about our impressions of California. Jennifer told us some behind-the-scenes stories of the television industry, and the excitement of seeing one of her series proposals finally make it to production. Checking her iphone occasionally, she gave us reports from the set, where they pre-shot several scenes of this week’s episode of The State of Georgia. As we feasted on dessert – a plate of Mexican doughnuts rolled in cinnamon and sugar, injected with caramel – we watched the lights of the city emerge as the sun went down. I marveled again at my good fortune to be in this amazing city, in the presence of amazing, talented women – my best friend Jane and one of my favorite authors, Jennifer Weiner.

Back at the hotel that night, before heading up to our room, Jane and I peeked into the restaurant “Cut” on the ground floor of the Beverly Wilshire. We had decided that a Wolfgang Puck steakhouse with no prices on the menu was probably not on our itinerary, but we did want to see the elegant restaurant in action. Suddenly I saw a short, gray haired man in chef’s whites walking toward the host station – it was Wolfgang Puck himself! He greeted us and shook our hands. What a marvelous celebrity sighting for a foodie like me!

Went to bed feeling fabulous indeed.

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